Happy March Revolutionaries!! For those of us who are basketball fans this is a beautiful time of year; a time to fill out our brackets, reminisce about great upsets of years gone by and cheer our brains out for these young athletes who are basking in their one shining moment. For me, it’s also special because it’s time I get to spend with my Dad where we both just feel good feelings. I’ve been watching the tournament with my Dad for as long as I can remember. I remember being really little and trying to stay up until midnight with him for those opening games, knowing that there was something magical about what basketball gives to people. I was reminded of that magic by my friend Megan Reid, the assistant women’s basketball coach at the University of Guelph. In talking about our mutual friend, the late Coach Kelly Dunham, she said, “Kelly would be smiling down at all of us knowing we are connecting over a basketball tournament.” In hearing those words, my whole heart was filled with gratitude for a lifetime in basketball.

March Madness

It’s hard to put into words the way basketball and the basketball community has impacted my life. Most notably, I’ve been blessed to grow up with some of the most amazing people you could ever imagine. People who taught me how to be unrelenting, how to give more of myself that I could have ever imagined, people who showed me by example how to goal set and strive, how to take up space, how to share space and how to work together in a spirit of something so much greater than any one of us. It gave me opportunities to travel, to learn, to grow and to dream about possibilities that were previously off of my radar. It gave me a sense of fun and belonging that has anchored me in my life. Most importantly, it gave me some of my best friendships that continue to fill my heart. I wish for those kinds of experiences for every human being. Whether it’s in basketball or something else, that kind of foundation and community is invaluable and creates a world of possibility.

As we continue on in this work with Revolution Now, I am keenly aware of how I yearn to bring that same visibility, opportunity and community to marginalized and racialized youth so that they can do, dream and be everything that stirs their souls. I am also energized by the outpouring of support by you Revolutionaries who are generating that change through your actions. I am super excited about our first event that is being held on April 23rd in Newmarket. To date, we have sold 115/140 tickets and are on track to raise over $1500 for after-school care for kids in Toronto Community Housing. There was also more good news this month as we were able to donate a $1000 academic scholarship to the Alliance of Educators for Black Students from the sales of our recovered beanies.

Lastly, earlier this month we had our audition for CBC Dragons Den. For those seeking an update, it was a great experience to be able to share the vision, talent and accomplishments of Revolution Now. I hope I was able to articulate the brilliance of our artists and the passion of our Revolutionaries. We will know by the end of April whether or not we will have an opportunity to share Revolution Now with a National audience. Regardless of how that goes, we continue to bask in our one shining moment. This is our time in history and this is our time to change the world. Let’s go do our thing!! In every sphere where you are, go lead the Revolution Now!

With Gratitude,
